Travel with little ones can be stressful - this info will be sure to save you some unnecessary frayed nerves...
Car travel within France - "Relais Bébé"
They are 19 different stops in service stations all over France, run by Nestlé. In them, there is a place
to change nappies and a "espace restauration" You get free nappies, free food (age related), free milk (lait de croissance)
all for children under 3. Not forgetting the goodie bag when you leave. For the last few years they have included a chair
behind a screen for brestfeeding mums and have trained the staff to offer them a glass of water. I've never used the chair
in question, its arms are too high for me and I don't have any problems with feeding in public. If you avoid the major feeding
times (12-1) they're a good place to stop because they have fans in them too and the staff are usually friendly. They'll be
open from 10 july to 29th Aug. More info check http://www.bebe.nestle->